Servicing All Faiths
2205 Richmond Road, Staten Island, NY 10306 • Tel: 718.351.0136 • Fax: 718.987.6384 • Email:
One of America's Most Beautiful Burial Parks
Staten Island, NY 10306
Moravian Cemetery, 2205 Richmond Road

Deer Resistant Flowers

The following list of plant material was developed over the past 25 years. This list of rarely eaten plants is based on observations of whitetail deer browsing plant material during the growing season.

Anise Hyssop * Blue Floss Flower * Joseph’s Coat * Angelonia * Snapdragon * Annual Woodruff Bidens * Swan River Daisy * Angels Trumpet * Ornamental pepper * Vinca * Four O’Clocks Spider Flower * Chinese Forget-Me-Not * Downy Thorn Apple * Foxglove * Tassel Flower * Snow-OnThe-Mountain * Mexican Tulip Poppy * Polka-Dot Plant * Burning Bush * Lantana * Weeping Lantana Statice * Sweet Alyssum * Cup Flower * Love-In-A-Mist * African Daisy Southern Star Scented Geranium * Annual Fountain Grass * Beefsteak Plant * Pinkhead Knotweed
Castor * Sage * Joseph Sage Bog * Autumn Sage * Dusty Miller * Signet Marigold * Verbena Star Zinnia * Mexican Zinnia * Narrowleaf Zinnia

Perennials, Herbs & Bulbs
Resurrection Lily * Plume Poppy * Ostrich Fern * Mint * Forget-Me-Not * Daffodils * Catmint Evening Primrose * Peony * Oriental Poppy * Russian Sage * Lungwort * Rock Soapwort * Perennial Salvia Goldenrod * Lamb’s Ear * Meadow Rue * Woody Veronica * Fernleaf Yarrow * Monkshood * Gardener’s Grass Maiden Hair Fern * Perennial Agastache * Bugleweed * Lady’s Mantle * Flowering Onion * Golden Alysum * Sea Thrift Wormwood * European Wild Ginger * Butterfly Weed * Snow-InSummer * Sea Thistle * Autumn Crocus * Lily-Of-The-Valley * Gold Bleeding Heart * Foxglove Globe Thistle * Winter Aconite * Blue Fescue * Fritillary * Common Snowdrop * St. John’s Wort Elecampane * Iris * Lavender * Sea Lavender * Maltese Cross